This weekend there was a segment aired on 20/20 that you may or may not have caught, which presented us veterinarians in an unfavorable light. Understandably, there has been widespread backlash, as a result, in the vet community. There are many blogs and articles out there which have unearthed many unsavory details of the background of the vet Dr. Andrew Jones, who was interviewed. Suffice it to say, he no longer practices in his homeland of Canada, for many questionable issues that led to him leaving his chosen profession. Oddly enough, he was selected to speak for “us”.
I thought it best to address the real issue of concern, which is do you or do you not trust your vet to recommend what is best for your pet. Speaking for myself and the vast majority of my colleagues over the years, we are not in this profession for the money, or prestige. If I had a dime for every time someone said to me, “it’s not like you’re a real doctor….” !
We are in this field because we care about our patients and their families. There may be a small percentage of bad seeds out there, Dr. Jones included. But, rest assured, the far majority of us recommend what is best, and what is indicated for your loved, four legged,ones.
I once heard that when we relocate, it hardest to replace your 1. pediatrician, 2. hair stylist (women), and 3. your veterinarian. I know why this is said, and I believe it to be true. When you have found the right doctor for your babies (human or otherwise), you are putting the most precious part of you in their hands, and trusting them with their lives, in many respects. I think that those of you who would agree with this comment would scoff at that 20/20 story. If you’re lucky, you know that your vets love many of their patients. They have known them for years, and have grown attached to them. Don’t let one bad apple change your mind.
I think the article link below sums it up well. It is my hope that it will shed some better light on the profession, and the situation.

Happy Thanksgiving
Dr. Dawn
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