Thanksgiving weekend is a large gathering for our family, out of town, with lots of cousins, siblings, and family time.

It is also a time for the dog “cousins” to get together, and they have a fabulous time each year, wearing each other out alternatively playing, napping, wrestling, napping, getting into trouble, and then napping…  You get the picture.

So this Thanksgiving, we had 18 people and 3 dogs, dividing our energies between 2 houses, a 1/4 mile apart. My dog India has had the time of her life, as she always does. She hasn’t even barked when her cousin Putney gets up before her, because she knows that soon enough she will be hanging with him. No one is stealing each other’s food. No arguing, no accidents, no sneaking food off the tables, all because they are so happy to be together. In fact, they seemed to get along better than their human cousins did at times..

With the exception of one issue:











Fighting for lap time!  I don’t know if you can appreciate the fact that the large Golden Retriever is partially sitting on my daughter’s belly. Both dogs are getting simultaneously pet by my daughter, as they both could not handle being ignored at the expense of the other. They compete for our attention, and get jealous when they are being excluded. No growling, just a lot of in your face cuteness, and snuggling. Heaven forbid one of them gets walked to the beach without the other!

So this is the solution. Group petting. Could be a worse way to spend a holiday.

Hope you enjoyed yours!
Dr. Dawn
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