If you are in search of a pet that will not trigger allergies, consider this list of pets listed in a veterinary  journal.  The study was done by an air purifier manufacturer and an environmental consulting firm.  Hopefully, this will help lead to the end of sneezing, runny noses and itchy eyes, and many years of happy, healthy pet ownership for you!

The list included:

Bedlington terriersDownloadedFile-6






DownloadedFile-3Devon Rex cats






Irish water spanielsDownloadedFile-2







Italian greyhoundsDownloadedFile





Javanese catsimages












Labrador retrieverDownloadedFile-7

















Yorkshire terriers

















The sponsor of the study, Kaz Inc, which makes the Doctor’s Choice True HEPA Air Purifier under the Honeywell trademark. In another study done by the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America, it was found that 15-30% of Americans are allergic to dogs or cats. It is important to note that no breed of dogs or cats has been proven to be truly hypoallergenic.  But studies suggest that some breds may be more allergen-friendly than others.

The breeds listed above tend to be smaller, shed less or not at all, and possess shorter coats or fur that produces less dander. Labrador retrievers, the largest breed listed, made the list because they love to swim and their frequent dips limit allergen concentrations.

Reptiles are suggested as an alternative for people allergic to dander, saliva or urine produced by dogs and cats.  So if you are looking for a pet that doesn’t produce any allergens, try one with scaly skin.

Certainly there are many, many factors that should go into selecting a pet for you and your family.  Allergies can be a big factor, but breeds, species, and a host of other factors need to be considered.  Hopefully, this will help guide you in your choice.

Dr. Dawn
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