As a mobile veterinarian, I spend a lot of time in the car. One of the things my assistants and I do to entertain ourselves is to take notice of signs along the way. We have a whole series of photos of signs that are amusing, or make no sense. Then there are those that are misspelled , and there are the ones that pique our interest because they are original. Here are a few. Some, at the end, were admittedly  found online, yet worth honorable mention.  So in honor of the dog days of summer (and cats),  I hope you enjoy…


This was posted on the door of a new client’s home. At first we thought it was a version of “Beware of the dog”. It is, in fact, a brief existential journey into the mind of a lovely dog who struggles with having to protect her home and be unfriendly. She wears a lovely double stranded pearl collar, by the way.





Saw this painted on a stop sign near a client’s home. Love it. Don’t tell the township…









There are pretty gross things that I have to do,
as part of my job. But, it
could be worse. Much worse.









Am I missing something? Is there a reason they would name a lens cleaner, anti-fog product cat crap? Does real cat feces work to block fog?








And, for some comic relief, without further ado…

Dr. Dawn

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