
What were the wackiest dog names of 2013?

Veterinary Pet Insurance Co.’s database of insured dogs included: Sir Knuckles da Dragon, HotRod Whoofington, and Captain Underpants.  Know of other “interesting” pet names?  Send them to me.

76% of dog owners call themselves pet parents, versus pet owners according to a survey of more than 1,200 dog owners by





Airport relief for dogs flying out of San Diego International Airport.  They recently opened one of the nations’ first fully enclosed, post-security indoor dog bathrooms.  Travelers can check locations of airport pet relief areas at  Fabulous!




Check out more about it here:

How savvy is your pet about social media? 

Sixteen percent of pup owners in the US say they maintain a social media presence for their dogs.  I know two cats that have their own Facebook page, in fact. And, San Francisco, being the exception in a good way, cites that 29% of owners say their dogs tweet and post on social media.

662090840_4If you’ve ever wished your dog could talk, now she or he can- sort of!

Thanks to the My Dog Talks! app, you can upload a photo of your pup, add a mouth and voice, and say something, and then watch your pup repeat what you’ve said.  The app costs 99 cents on iTunes.  Just saying…






Have a novel idea for a pet-specific TV show or just want to share your pet videos with existing shows?  

Then check out  There you can have your TV show ideas seen by movers and shakers or submit video clips for use in shows such as America’s Funniest Home Videos, with compensation paid for clips that go on TV.

Dr. Dawn
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